Published on Feb 28, 2025
This project is aimed at developing a system by which the employees in the organization submit the bills to their managers. The bills could of various types and also of various amounts. The employee after submitting the bill will automatically provide the manager's name to which the bill will be submitted. The bill will pass through a workflow process and the owner of the bill can view the status of the bill at any time. An email will be sent to the concerned people to let them know about the status of the bill.
The software is fully integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as well as CMS (Content Management System) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one from manual works.
The main purpose of this project is aimed at developing a system which reduces work burden of employees of the organization. Every Organization has some maintenance and budget planning's. In this situation submitting the bills to their corresponding managers will be a headache and we have to maintain records manually. Some times in manual process there is a possibility to get errors. To overcome these difficulties and time being best to use this type of application. In this the employees in the organization submit the bills to their managers. The bills could of various types and also of various amounts.
The employee after submitting the bill will automatically provide the manager's name to which the bill will be submitted. The bill will pass through a workflow process and the owner of the bill can view the status of the bill at any time. An email will be sent to the concerned people to let them know about the status of the bill
The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.
• User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system Rich User Interface.
• The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
• It can be accessed over the Intranet.
• The user information can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system.
This can give the good security for user information because data is not in client machine.
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
Finance Managers
Request Creator
PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 256 MB RAM
WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003 Server)
Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition
Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment) version 3.5
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition