Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Economic Projects Thesis Dissertation

Multiple Exchange Rate Systems
Public and Development Economics
Internationalisation of Companies
The Macroeconomics of Rare Events
Lessons from Economic Financial Crises in Recent Times
Global Economic Crises
Consumer Behaviour for Green Products
Contribution of Educated But Unemployed Women to Economy
Free Trade and Development
Bioenergy, Pollution, and Economic Growth
Marriage Markets, Differential Fecundity and Search
MNREGA: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
India's Fiscal Deficit and Its Impact on Gross Domestic Product
Capacity Utilization
Heterogeneity and Input Reallocation
Monetary Policy in a Bipolar International Monetary System
Growth and Determination of Foreign Investment in India
Contribution of IT Sector in Indian Economy
U.S. Monopolies : A Glimpse Inside
Supply Chain Finance
World Trade Organization - A Critique
Essays on the Role of Specific Human Capital
Performance of Automobile Sector Post Liberalization Regime
Divergences in the Euro Area
Progressive Study of an Educational Institute
Production Structure Of Indian Power Sector
Economies Of Scale
Monitoring and Market Power in Loan Markets
Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles Industry
Bank Regulation in Argentina
The State of the Indian Economy
The Delhi Metro Project
Fiscal Policy
Importance of Human Capital in Export Performance
RBI and Financial Services
Growth in Indian Banking Sector
Demand Forecast for XYZ Company
Responses to Incentives in Public Expenditure Programs
Political Influences on Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility and Nongovernmental Organizations
The Modern Firm's International Expansion
Monitoring and Modelling Inflation in China
Employer-Employee Relationships and Firm Performance
Trade Patterns in Europe
An Interest Group Theory of Financial Development
Time Inconsistency in the Credit Card Market
Growth of Car Industry in India
Comparative Institutional Economics
Macroeconomic Policy and Analysis
Financial Contagion in Emerging Markets
Informational Frictions and Learning in Emerging Markets
Decentralization and Education
Job Flows Dynamics
Budgetary Institutions: Theory and Evidence
Economics of Education
Internationalization of the Ethnic Food Industry
China as a Regulatory State