Published on Mar 01, 2025
This project, controlling of transformer from substation using transmitter and receiver is used to monitor the voltage values of various loads through single PC which is available in the sub station. This system is to find out whether the voltage level which is available in the sub station is same as that of the loads which is connected to the sub station.
The system consists of Potential transformer, precision rectifier, A/D converter, microcontroller, LPT (line printer terminal), PC and a data cable.
The voltage level of each load is measured by using a potential transformer .The potential transformer steps down the voltage level to 6 volts which is an AC signal .The AC signal from the transformer circuit is then given to a precision rectifier unit.
There won't be any voltage drop due to the diode in the rectifier circuit. The output from the rectifier unit is a pulsated dc output. The output signal is given to an A/D converter, where the analog signal is converted into digital signal. The digital input is given to a microcontroller unit.
The signal from the microcontroller unit is transferred to PC through the data cable. The sub station voltage is also measured by using a potential transformer .The potential transformer steps down the voltage level to 6 volts which is an AC signal .
The AC signal from the transformer circuit is then given to a precision rectifier unit. There won't be any voltage drop due to the diode in the rectifier circuit. The output from the rectifier unit is a pulsated dc output. The output signal is given to an A/D converter, where the analog signal is converted into digital signal. The signal is transmitted to PC through LPT interface.
From this system, we can monitor the entire load voltages value as well as the sub station voltage value through single PC