Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


An update from the original ACS2002, the AF-2500 is a complete aircraft monitoring and data acquisition system designed for aircraft with 4 or 6 cylinder engines. More than simply an engine monitor, the AF-2500 provides aircraft monitoring functions, a complete fuel computer system, and completely customizable electronic checklists.

Every engine instrument reading is continuously gathered, compared against user-configurable set points, and displayed on a sunlight readable, color Display. Unlike other systems, the display can be customized to the user's preference.

Any of the standard instruments can be eliminated or added to the screen. The screen can be oriented hortizontally or vertically.

Wireless Advanced Flight Systems Aircraft Monitoring System

Electronic Checklists:

The AF-2500 can store up to 10 user checklist pages, including graphics. Checklist pages can be any image converted to a bitmap and downloaded from your computer. Thus you could for example include diagrams of systems as well as traditional text checklists, or combinations of both.

Gallons Remaining:

The fuel tank levels are calibrated on installation in 2 gallon increments to correct for sender position. The fuel gauges store two calibration tables, one for plane level and one for tail down. Unlike other instruments, the fuel gauges will read correct for a tail wheel airplane when it is on the ground as well as in level flight

Methodology of this Project:

1. GSM (Fbus Protocol)

2. IR – 38KHZ

3. Pressure Sensors

4. PC RS232 Communication