Published on Feb 28, 2025
Right from its existence, Banks, whether nationalize or corporate, always dominated others, in case of public investments or retail investments. But in past few years due to various reasons like continuously falling of interest rates, various scams etc. investors will have to look for various other investments avenues that will give them better returns with minimization of risks.
Here Mutual Funds Industry has very important role to play in providing alternate investment avenue to entire gamut of investors in scientific and professional manner. Indian Mutual Fund Industry has been definitely maturing over the period. In four decades of its existence in India Mutual Funds have gone through various structural changes and gained prominent position in Financial Industry. Because of easy of investments, professional management and diversification more and more investors are gaining confidence in Mutual Funds. Even government policies like abolishment of long term capital benefit taxes added advantage to growth of Mutual Funds.
This is all the way is leading to pool of more and more money from retail investors into the Mutual Funds. The project study focused on increasing brand awareness at retail level clients and various activities that results in brand awareness among the same. This project also consists of generating and getting clients, generating database and after sales services to retain client and make them happy investor.
Mutual funds have been around for a long period of time to be precise for 36 yrs but the year 1999 saw immense future potential and developments in this sector. This year signaled the year of resurgence of mutual funds and the regaining of investor confidence in these MF’s. This time around all the participants are involved in the revival of the funds ----- the AMC’s, the unit holders, the other related parties. However the sole factor that gave lifr to the revival of the funds was the Union Budget. The budget brought about a large number of changes in one stroke. An insight of the Union Budget on mutual funds taxation benefits is provided later. It provided centre stage to the mutual funds, made them more attractive and provides acceptability among the investors.
The Union Budget exempted mutual fund dividend given out by equity-oriented schemes from tax, both at the hands of the investor as well as the mutual fund. No longer were the mutual funds interested in selling the concept of mutual funds they wanted to talk business, which would mean to increase asset base, and to get asset base, and investor base they had to be fully armed with a whole lot of schemes for every investor .So new schemes for new IPO’s were inevitable. The quest to attract investors extended beyond just new schemes. The funds started to regulate themselves and were all out on winning the trust and confidence of the investors under the aegis of the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI)
The following are the main objective which has been undertaken in the present study:
Basics of IPO’s
How a company comes up with new public offer?
Requirement of additional capital for a company?
Decision about fixing price band it includes 2 types fixed price or book building.
Online/Offline Bidding of Application forms-:
Bidding of forms.
A Depository facilitates holding of securities in the electronic form and enables securities transactions to be processed by book entry by a Depository Participant (DP), who as an agent of the depository, offers depository services to investors. According to SEBI guidelines, financial institutions, banks, custodians, stockbrokers, etc. are eligible to act as DPs. The investor who is known as beneficial owner (BO) has to open a demat account through any DP for dematerialization of his holdings and transferring securities.
· Understanding & Executing the back office work.
· Learning about capital markets, Share trading, IPO’s, Mutual Funds & other concepts etc.
· Generation of leads.
· Handling customer’s queries if any.
· Operating the mutual funds software to work on it.
· Updating database for IPO’s and mutual fund in software.
· Understanding the work done in DP department.
Strategy Employed to achieve the targets-:
· By practically handling the work.
· Asking to colleagues, guides & browsing net for understanding concepts of Capital market, Share Trading, Mutual Funds & IPO’s etc.
· By training program arranged by the company many thing got clear.
· By asking queries to the company guide and others.
· Assisting the concerned person doing IPO’s and Mutual funds.