Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Feb 28, 2025


After the epoch of this millennium there was a spurt of the use of IT infrastructure in India denoting a sort of IT revolution. Most of the industrial units and service sector opted for the IT resources which includes the hardware, software and data resources.

Due to product explosion the hardware and software changed the morphology, facilities etc. during the passage of time and thereby making most of the older IT equipment or hardware as obsolete.

This activity cumulatively generated a huge pool of junk hardware which is termed as e-waste. An environment friendly recycling methodology for the disposal of e-waste has become a necessity now.

Most of the developed nations including USA have already prepared the framework and also guided us to a benchmark already made there. The international conventions have created reinforcement for the same which is to be finetuned according to the requirement perceived in India in various sectors.

It is perhaps the right time to figure out the modus operandi for the e-waste management strategically suiting the different sectors of industries, not only to comply with the world trend but also to maintain the environment in situ and thereby helping the sustenance of endemic flora and fauna