Published on Feb 28, 2025
This project entitled the " A VERSATILE SYSTEM FOR PHOTOSHOP MANAGEMENT" is a software package developed for managing the essential features of a photo store.
The software is very much helpful because it covers all the process of a photostore.The project creates interactive reports like sales report, purchase report, fast and slow moving item details and price list of items.
While studying the whole working of the software we could find there are four functional areas namely master, transactions, accounts and reports. Hence we propose four modules to execute the overall functions of the system. Basically these modules support the system for its proper functioning.
The developed software is menu driven and various outputs can be produced from its different options. The package can be expanded easily by adding additional modules, if required.
As we do not have much access to the existing system of Photoshop Management, our project is a new and approachable way towards the features of a PHOTOSHOP.
In a Photoshop, the client need to deal with various processes like transactions, account management etc. So our software helps the client to clarify the doubts about the stock, the bank and cash flows, billings, and it also provide him with various reports like price list, slow and fast moving items report. The client can also produce quotation list if needed. In an overall view, our software has the following features:
• Less time consuming
• High security
• Data redundancy can be avoided some extend
• Data consistency
• Easy record keeping
• Backup data can be easily generated
This project is developed in such a manner that it can be modified further. The developed software is menu driven and various outputs can be produced from its different options. The package can be expanded easily additional modules, if required.