Published on Feb 28, 2025
This project is about to automate the status tracking of various projects dealt by Enterprise software Solutions. This system typically enables the top level management to keep track of the status of the projects under their control. Some of the critical activities that can be performed with this system are monitoring the completion status of project documents, to alert PL's indicating the documents completion dates. HR allocates projects to GL, PL of a particular client with project code, project name and start date of the particular project.
The system keeps tracks of the documents that have to be completed with in a particular duration. PL gets the intimation before two days of each documents completion date. This notifies the PL to complete his schedule on time. The system for automating the project process, which involves three phases. Project Initiation Phase, Regular Mode. Project Windup . The system helps the HR, GL, PM, PL, TL, TM, GM to view the status of the project and helps in tracking information about the project.
This system is used to automate the status report .The mainly used in the project Team member update their details daily. These reports can easily view by the Project Manager, Project Leader, Group Leader The System is maintained J2EE technology. The data are stored database automatically.
Documents can be distributed to the particular client easily.
Security can be given, so that the users only view the status.
Report generation is made easier.
It takes less processing time.
The process involves full fetched scalability.
And data retrieval is faster when using J2EE technology.
Processor - Pentium -III
Speed - 1.1 Ghz
RAM - 256 MB(min)
Hard Disk - 20 GB
Floppy Drive - 1.44 MB
Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
Monitor - SVGA
OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows 2000.
Technology : Java Server Pages (JSP)
Web Server : Tomcat 6.0