Published on Sep 03, 2023
Tanrox Work Force is time collection software that is streamlined for billing and invoicing purposes. Tanrox work force allows time tracking for customer and project related tasks. After being collected the data can then be exported for invoice generation.
This guide describes how to execute these activities using Tanrox work force interfaces.
In addition, section Getting started describes initial data setup up to the point when you are ready to start registering working time with Tanrox work force.
Submit time-track for the current week
Submit and modify time-track for the selected date/week
View time-track for a selected month
Delete reported time-track
Remove tasks from the Submit Time-Track interface
Registration of time expenses consists of the following activities related to registering and managing your personal time expenses:
Submitting time-track
Viewing personal time-track
Modifying personal time-track
Deleting personal time-track
Time-track is Tanrox work force's term used to refer to working time submitted and stored in the system.
To access the interfaces for submission of time-track use the top-level menu option 'Submit Time-track'. To access the interfaces for browsing the submitted time-track use the top-level menu option 'My Time-track'.
Users shall have the 'Submit Time-Track' access right to access interfaces for submission and browsing of time-track. Note that the users who do not have this right as well as user 'root' will not see these interfaces at all.
The interfaces for submission and management of personal time-track always show and store time tracked by the user who is currently logged in. To browse the time-track submitted by other users use the Staff output report (see section Generate staff output report).
Processor : Intel P-III based system
Processor Speed : 250 MHz to 833MHz
RAM : 64MB to 256MB
Hard Disk : 2GB to 30GB
Language : Java
Web Components : Html, Jsp
Control Components : Servlets
Framework : Struts
Scripting Language : JavaScript
Web Server : Tomcat
Database (Back End) : MySQL