Published on Mar 01, 2025
Packaging is concerned with designing and producing of appropriate packages for a product. The significance of packing has increased these days because of severe competition in the markets and rise in the standard of the living of people, good packaging protects the products on its route from the seller to the buyer and in some cases even during its life with the user.
Packaged goods are generally more convenient to handle. Packaged facilitates the sale of the products. It acts as a silent salesman to the manufacturers particularly at a place where there is widespread use of self service, automatic vending and other self selection method of retail selling. Sometimes, packages are duly sealed to endure products of right quality to the consumers. So from above it is clear packing means wrapping compressing, filling or creating of goods for the purpose of protection of goods and there convenient handling.
¯ To know about the retailers & consumers satisfaction of the services organization.
¯ To invite suggestion from retailers for improvement in Grasim Packaging.
¯ To know which kind of packaging affected the retailer's sale.
¯ To know about the changes retailers wants in packaging.
¯ To make company aware about retailers expectation from Grasim.
¯ To collect information about customers preference tastes through retailers.
¯ To know about the position of Grasim packaging in relation to other products. Function of Packaging
As a important peripheral attribute of a product, a package has the following function to perform.
1. Utilitarian Function :
Package performs the utilitarian function by retaining and enhancing the product value to consumers in the following ways :
(a) Package protects from deterioration, spilling, spoilage and Evaporation during its transit from manufacturer to consumer.
(b) It enhances product use convenience why keeping it cleans and undistributed.
© It helps easy brand identification.
(d) It makes products handling easier and safe on the retail store shelves.
2. Communication Function :
Package performs a communication function by becoming an important adjust to the components of the communication mixed namely, advertising and sales promotion, it performs this function the following ways:
(a) It marks products identification and differentiation both and effective. In a competitive market when differences in the tangible product attributes are not conspicuous, it is the package whose unique presentation makes products looked different from competiting brands.
(b) Package feature communicate product massage and motivate consumers to buy.
(c) A change in the product package design and message considerably facilitates implementation of product repositioning strategy of the company.
(d) Package repeats the selling message in printing on its before consumer when it is repeatedly handled during a series of uses.
(e) It promotes products at the point of purchase and triggers impulse buying.
3. Profit Function :
Package also performs a profits function in the following ways :
(a) Consumers assigning relatively higher value to package are usually prepared to pay higher price for this product attribute as a result, higher contribution to profit flows package.
(b) Effective package cuts cost of handling and transportation and protects product from damage thereby, saving a company from cuts in profit.
The growing importance of packaging may be attributed to some of the following factors :
(c) Rising standards of health, cleanliness and sanitation in the urban and semi-urban areas and amongst educated consumers.
(d) Retailers have prepared package products on there shelves on account of easy of handling, longer shelf life and attractiveness. It also does the selling job for them.
(e) Phenomenal growth of package, raw material supplying concerns e.g. paper cumbersome recovering rules and procedures in railway - the major national transporters have compelled marketers to properly packaged their products.