Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


This chapter explains about the background and states the objectives of the project. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of promotional activity for selling HCL products in Pune city only. Promotion is comprehensive terms, and covers the entire gamut of advertising, publicity, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Sales promotion is thus a part of promotion and is restricted to direct inducement on a short term basis services. The same promotional strategy was applied by HCL to promote their products and boost up its sales.

The HCL performed promotional activities like canopy, road shows, EPP, broacher distribution, etc. In the present competitive world if any business organization has to survive it needs to keep an eye on various forces operating in the market. More over competitors constantly try to win over others. In this scenario, every business organization needs to monitor the changes taking place in the market so that they are not caught. Market research is an efficiency tool in the hands of a marketer that helps him to take changes taking place in the market.

HCL Info systems Ltd is one of the pioneers in the Indian IT market, with its origins in 1976. For over quarter of a century, we have developed and implemented solutions for multiple market segments, across a range of technologies in India. We have been in the forefront in introducing new technologies and solutions.

The promotional activities like canopy shows and broachers distribution were carried out at main location near to the HCL Company. In this activity we have given live demo of laptop, desktop and mileap laptop to the end user i.e. the customers; this activity was mainly done in the viman nager and vadgaon sheri. Giving them demo, and brushers, and handling there queries regarding the Products.

Objectives of the Study

1. To study the marketing strategies of HCL.
2. To find out the effectiveness of promotional strategies of HCL.
3. To ascertain the impact of promotional activity on purchase decision.
4. To find out the measures to boost up sales.
5. To conduct promotional activity to boost sales of HCL.
6. To analyze the awareness among public about the HCL products.
7. To find out the reasons for low sales of the products.
8. To conduct promotional activity in various places like shopping malls, residential areas, corporate etc.
9. To increase the prescription rate among the respondents by using promotional tools.

It is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by the researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. In general methodology is an optional framework within which the facts are placed so that the meaning may be seen more clearly. The sources of data shown that designing of a research plan calls for decision on the data sources are research approaches (primary and secondary data) research instruments (observation survey experiment) sampling plan and contact methods (personal interviews).

A research design is the determination and statement of the general research approach or strategy adopted for the particular project. It is the heart of the planning. If the design adheres to the research objectives, it will ensure that the client need will be served.

Research design is a plan structured and strategies of investigation. It is the arrangement of condition and analysis of data in a manner to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

 In order to achieve the objective it was necessary to talk to the customers and public to draws the conclusions regarding the objective.

 For visiting the customers and publics to collect the relevant information; a questionnaire has to be designed. The questionnaire was designed in such a manner to achieve the objective of the research.

 The sample size taken is 100 customers and publics.


Through this project I got to many of the things related to IT products, Sales Promotion, Consumer behavior, making of new customers and handling of old customers and Selling & marketing Concepts at Pune city.

 Before the use of promotional tools the products of HCL were not known to the publics but after the use of promotional tools the products got good exposure in the market.

 The reason for low sales of the products was lack of promotional activities due to this most of the public was not aware of HCL products.

 After using promotional tools I found that the prescription rate of the HCL‟s products was increased to a considerable extent.

 Maximum customers first see the affordable price & look of the product.

 At the time of purchasing customer also demand for free accessories like pen drive, head phone & mouse, etc.

 HCL is 32 yrs old and the only Indian IT company among the entire IT giant like LG, Sony, HP, Lenovo.

 HCL is having maximum number of service centre all over India.

HCL provides most economic Leaptop & Desktop in India At HCL DIGILIFE Store, one can get wide range of products such as Leaptops, Desktop, Mileaps, IPods, Cameras, Printers, Mobile phones, x-box, LCD TVs, Plasmas & Projectors, etc.

 HCL is only company in India which provides service 24x7x365 (which is known as HCL TOUCH).

 HCL has launched World‟s smallest laptop, ie Mileap x- series 1.

 HCL Ltd is a national distributor for NOKIA Cells and Accessories, LCD TVs, Plasmas & Projectors, Apple IPods & Accessories, Kodak Camera, Canon printers, Microsoft software, X-box & Microsoft Accessories.

The sample size of my survey was 100. I have tried my best to get the maximum out of survey. After analyzing the result of my questionnaire I have arrived to the conclusion, which is as follows:

HCL has successfully achieved their objective of getting the potential customers through promotional activities and also to boost the sale..

The promotional activity was helpful to know the customer‟s perception towards HCL by getting information from promotion.

Regular use of promotional tools is necessary for giving more exposure to the product in the market.

The customers came to know about HCL products/services and its benefits through promotional activities which seemed to be the key factor to achieve the prospective customers.

Most of the respondents believe in brand name and good configuration. As such many of them are attracted to the HCL brand. Moreover, the existing users of HCL are found to be satisfied from the features as well as accessibility of the laptops/desktops.

The company also should open more showroom of HCL for getting more publicity and positive response. This means HCL has very high reputation in cities like Pune.

HCL should also promote through the TV Channels, magazines and national newspapers which will make the brand more and more popular.

According to Survey I found that the position of HCL Desktop is No. 1 and the Laptops are No. 3 in retail market.

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