Published on Mar 01, 2025
Selling of any product, there is needed to build relationship with customer. For building a relationship there is need for knowing the customer behavior and how will be they satisfied? This project is undertaken to know the customer behavior & satisfaction level for Hero Honda Motorcycle in Supreme Auto (at Chickhli). Also through this project get awareness that which factors affect on the selling of bike mainly in the rural area.
Because the area where project was undergoing, it is almost rural area and most population income depends on agriculture or its products. There were some limitations while doing the project. The data was collected by personal interviews of the respondents. It was very challenging to fill up the questionnaire as most of the population comes from rural back ground. As it was the rural area we were supposed to explain each and every question of the questionnaire. Also many of them did not show any interest in filling questionnaires..
This study will help Hero Honda to know the most popular way by which they are providing services and quality to the customers and to know various customers Perceptions. From the study, we found that, the customers were highly satisfied with the products and service of Hero Honda, but there were some complaints regarding after sales service and staff of Hero Honda. It was found that Hero Honda Motorcycle is having a good brand image in the market. Most of the respondents considered Hero Honda showroom is one of the best places to purchase of Motorcycle.
The present is the era of customers. Customers are more knowledgeable than ever before and because the customer is more knowledgeable, companies must be faster, more agile and more creative than few years ago. So companies should strive to enhance customer satisfaction through knowing their expectations regarding products. Hero Honda should improve on their after sales support, and have knowledgeable support staff. Also Hero Honda should increase the range of its targeted market.
Main purpose of the study was to know the customer buying behavior and demand into the minds of customer of Chikhli because always customers say something and does something. At the same time as there are many companies manufacturing motorcycles, idea about thinking of customer on whether, what, how, and for whom to purchase the motorcycle.
Therefore, research is required to measure present consumer buying behavior at the purchase of Hero Honda bike. so the researcher problem is to identify what are the criteria that prospective customer takes into consideration before buying the motorcycles. Also after purchasing are customers being satisfied or not?
The research objectives to be studied in this research are as follows:
To know market position of Hero Honda bike in the market.
To know consumer behavior for purchase of two wheeler bike.
To identify the factor which influences on consumer decision?
To classify which types of customers visiting of Dealers with reference to age, gender, income
To know which medium play important role for purchasing bike.
To study who is the decision make in purchasing bike?.
To study whether customers are satisfied with staff and services or not?
Identifying possible areas of Improvement.
To know the status of different offers.
Consumer decision processes are the decision making processes undertaken by consumers in regard to a potential market transaction before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service. More generally, decision making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action from among multiple alternatives. Common examples include shopping, deciding what to eat. Decision making is said to be a psychological construct. This means that although we can never "see" a decision, we can infer from observable behavior that a decision has been made. Therefore we conclude that a psychological event that we call "decision making" has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to effect the action.
In general there are three ways of analyzing consumer buying decisions. They are :
Economic models - These models are largely quantitative and are based on the assumptions of rationality and near perfect knowledge. The consumer is seen to maximize their utility. See consumer theory. Game theory can also be used in some circumstances.
Psychological models - These models concentrate on psychological and cognitive processes such as motivation and need recognition. They are qualitative rather than quantitative and build on sociological factors like cultural influences and family influences.
Consumer behaviour models - These are practical models used by marketers. They typically blend both economic and psychological models.
Nobel laureate Herbert Simon sees economic decision making as a vain attempt to be rational. He claims (in 1947 and 1957) that if a complete analysis is to be done, a decision will be immensely complex. He also says that peoples' information processing ability is very limited. The assumption of a perfectly rational economic actor is unrealistic. Often we are influenced by emotional and non-rational considerations. When we try to be rational we are at best only partially successful.
The buyer decision process consists of the following steps
1. Need recognition;
2. Search for information on products that could satisfy the needs of the buyer;
3. Alternative selection;
4. Decision-making on buying the product;
5. Post-purchase behavior
There are a range of alternative models, but that of AIUAPR, which most directly links to the steps in the marketing/promotional process is often seen as the most useful.
AWARENESS - before anything else can happen the potential customers must become aware that the product or service exists. Thus, the first task must be to gain the attention of the target audience. All the different models are, predictably, agreed on this first step. If the audience never hears the message they will not act on it, no matter how powerful it is.
INTEREST - but it is not sufficient to grab their attention. The message must interest them and persuade them that the product or service is relevant to their needs. The content of the message(s) must therefore be meaningful and clearly relevant to that target audience's needs, and this is where marketing research can come into its own.
UNDERSTANDING - once an interest is established, the prospective customer must be able to appreciate how well the offering may meet his or her needs, again as revealed by the marketing research. This may be no mean achievement where the copywriter has just fifty words, or ten seconds, to convey everything there is to say about it.
ATTITUDES - but the message must go even further; to persuade the reader to adopt a sufficiently positive attitude towards the product or service that he or she will purchase it, albeit as a trial. There is no adequate way of describing how this may be achieved. It is simply down to the magic of the copywriter‟s art; based on the strength of the product or service itself.
PURCHASE - all the above stages might happen in a few minutes while the reader is considering the advertisement; in the comfort of his or her favourite armchair. The final buying decision, on the other hand, may take place sometime later; perhaps weeks later, when the prospective buyer actually tries to find a shop which stocks the product.
REPEAT PURCHASE - but in most cases this first purchase is best viewed as just a trial purchase. Only if the experience is a success for the customer will it be turned into repeat purchases. These repeats, not the single purchase which is the focus of most models, are where the vendors focus should be, for these are where the profits are generated. The earlier stages are merely a very necessary prerequisite for this.
This is a very simple model, and as such does apply quite generally. Its lessons are that you cannot obtain repeat purchasing without going through the stages of building awareness and then obtaining trial use; which has to be successful. It is a pattern which applies to all repeat purchase products and services; industrial goods just as much as baked beans. This simple theory is rarely taken any further - to look at the series of transactions which such repeat purchasing implies. The consumer's growing experience over a number of such transactions is often the determining factor in the later - and future - purchases. All the succeeding transactions are, thus, interdependent - and the overall decision-making process may accordingly be much more complex than most models allow for.
Chunawalla S A., Commentry on Consumer Behavior, Himalayan Publishing House,2005.
Leon G. Schiffman & Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behaviour, 9th Edition, Peayon Prentice Hall, 2007.