Published on Mar 01, 2025
An attempt has been made in this project to use alternative fuel in four stroke engine to increase the efficiency. Our fore most aim in selecting this project is to use non conventional fuel against conventional fuel which is becoming scarce and costly now days. With this air is less polluted than conventional fuels. It is also good with regard to economical considerations and engine efficiency. In our project, we have installed LPG fuel system to four stroke vehicle where in we can use both gasoline and LPG.
The alternations made to install LPG in the vehicle are discussed. For lower speeds LPG suitable for vehicle and gasoline is suitable for the higher speed operations. So, these combinations of fuel supply will be suitable for city traffic conditions, where mostly the mode of operation is low speed. Using this concept we can control our expenditure in buying of fuels.
In the automobile field now the fuel used is known as petrol and fuel oil (Diesel). Petrol is a volatile fuel which is used in spark ignition engines and fuel oil which is used in compression ignition engine. Basically both the fuels petrol and diesel is obtained from the crude oil (i.e. petroleum). Now the problem is, its availability is decreasing day by day in bulk and insufficient for future decades. Hence an alternative fuel is essential to fight against scarcity. In term of long sight some alternative fuels are suggested and experimented by various manufacturing units with technicians, such alternative fuels are Methyl alcohol, Compressed Natural gas (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG), In this project we have installed LPG as alternative fuel in two stroke Gasoline engine.
In the automobile field now the fuel used is known as petrol and Diesel. Basically both the fuels petrol and diesel is obtained from the crude oil (i.e.) petroleum. Now the problem is its availability is decreasing day by day in bulk and insufficient for future decades. Hence an alternative fuel is essential to fight against scarcity.In term of long sight some alternative fuels are suggested and experimented by various manufacturing units with technicians, such alternative fuels are as follows:
• Methyl alcohol
• Compressed Natural gas (CNG)
• Liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG) In this project we have installed LPG as alternative fuel in four stroke Gasoline engine
On an energy basis LPG has a lower carbon content than gasoline or diesel fuel. When used in spark-ignition engines, LPG produces near-zero particulate emissions, very little CO and moderate HC emissions. Variations in the concentration of different hydrocarbons in LPG can affect the species composition and reactivity of HC exhaust emissions. CO2 emissions typically are also somewhat lower than those for gasoline due to the lower carbon-energy ratio and the higher octane quality of LPG. NOx emissions are similar to those from gasoline vehicles, and can be effectively controlled using three-way catalysts. The higher CR of an engine, the more efficient is the engine and more is the power generated with given amount of the fuel. LPG has high octane rating of 110+ that allows CR to be high up to 15:1, which is in the range of 8:1 to 9.5:1 for gasoline engines.
In this section we discuss that how we use the LPG as a fuel in our 4 stroke bike. To get the system working, we put the LPG cylinder into a bag, and hanged it on the rear side of bike. The LPG converter was fixed under the fuel tank, right side of the bike. The inlet gas pipe is connected to inlet of the carburetor, and a vacuum pipe is connected to the inlet manifold of cylinder. It is interesting to know that the methods we have used are very systematic and involve a lot of practical application of auto technology.
1. Gas Cylinder
2. Low Pressure Gassifire
3. Carburetor
The figure no.1 shows the top view of the gas cylinder positioned in our bike. The connection of the gas supply pipe and regulator is shown in the figure no. 1.
Figure no. 2 shows the front view of gassifire. In this view the connections of gas supply from cylinder to gassifire and from gassifire to carburetor is shown. An another connection of vacuum pipe from cylinder inlet manifold to gassifire is also shown.
Figure no. 3 shows the gas fuel inlet in the carburetor throttle and vacuum pipe connected in the cylinder inlet manifold. In this figure the modification in the carburetor throttle is shown which is made for gas fuel supply.
For lower speeds LPG suitable for vehicle and gasoline is suitable for the higher speed operations. So, these combinations of fuel supply will be suitable for city traffic conditions, where mostly the mode of operation is low speed. Using this concept we can control our expenditure in buying of fuels.
Hemant Singh, Chandan Kumar, Angad Kumar Yadav, Ajay Kumar Verma, Dileep Kumar Yadav, Akhilesh Nishad, Mr. Alok Kumar Pandey
1. Zhou yi1a, Liu jian1b et al., (2007). “Study and Design for Single Fuel Lpg Vehicle”, Journal of agricultural mechanization and research-02.
2. Jin wook lee, S.I. Kweon et al., (2010), “Effect of various LPG supply systems on exhaust particle emission in spark-ignited combustion engine” International Journal of Automotive Technology, 11(6).
3. YANG Lihong, (2003), “The Application of LPG on the Automotive Engines” Journal of ActaArmamentar The Volume of Tank, Armored Vehicle and Engine.
4. WANG Zhen-suo and LIU Xun-jun, (2004). Study of the,“Timing on Characteristics of Particulate Emissions for LPG and Gasoline Fuels” .