Published on Mar 01, 2025
This title presents the concept for design and analysis of crop cutter. The crop cutting is important stage in agriculture field. Currently in India former used conventional method for the crop cutting i.e. the conventional method for crop cutting is as manually cutting using labour but this method is lengthy and time consuming.This project aim is to design and analysis of small field crop cutter machine for small height crop.
To analysis cutting rollerand horizontal cutting blade by using Pro-eand anises software. The machine consists of petrol engine to operate cutting roller and blade. When compare to manual crop cutting by and this machine has a capacity to cut the crop in faster. This machine to helpful for both the small as well as big farm.
Agriculture is the backbone of India. In India agriculture has facing serious challenges like scarcity of agricultural labour, in peak working seasons but also in normal time. This is mainly for increased nonfarm job opportunities having higher wage, migration of labour force to cities and low status of agricultural labours in the society. In India two type of crop cutting like as manual method (conventional method) and mechanized type of crop cutter. The crop cutting is important stage in agriculture field. Currently Indian former used conventional method for crop cutting i.e. cutting crop manually using labour but this method is very lengthy and time consuming.
To design and analysis the crop cuter machine which is help to the Indian former which is in ruler side and small farm. It will reduce the cost of crop cutting in field. It will help to increase economical standard in Indian former. The design of the crop cutting machine will be presented by using KERO drawing software. The force analysis on the cutter blade. The force analysis on the roller cuter blade by using ANSYS 14.0 software. This rendered the cutter safe from the cutting forces
Present method of Crop cuttingis important stage in agriculutre field. Currently Indian former used conventional method.
Manual methods of crop cutter.
Crop cutting by using mechanized.
To the cutting and threshing machine for seed separation this method the crop are remove as mentioned in the traditional method. These method crops are tied together to from a bundle. These bundles are garnered and taken to threshing machine. This machine separates the seed from the crops.
The combination of crop cutting machine is to combine the three operations like as cutting, reaping and winnowing into single process. It is combination of crop cutting machine most of the economically labour saving.
Methodology is the systematic, Theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a study or to the theoretical analysis of the method and principles associated with branch of study.
1. Studying the present mechanisms.
2. Field Survey
3. To identifying the potential problem.
4. Problem definition.
5. Literature review.
6. Design of crop cutter.
7. Calculation.
8. Analysis using FEM method.
9. Fabrication.
a. Various approaches have been proposed for improving mechanized type of crop cutter in agriculture field. Designing a reaper machine to harvest grains more efficiently. The research work focusing on harvesting operation to the small land holder to cutting varieties of crop in less time and at low cost by considering the factor as power requirement, ease of operation , field condition , time of operation and climatologically condition. By the study Mr. P. B. Chavan, Mr. D. K. Patil, Mr. D. S. Dhondge
b. To increase the productivity and profit. How to cutting reduce the cost and how to solve the problem comes from workers. It is fabricated for cutting various crop varieties during the time cutting to the “FABRICATION AND PERFORMANCE TEST OF AN ULTRAPORTABLE CROP CUTTER by G Maruthi Prasad Yadav , GMD Javeed Basha
c. This fabrication model small scale sugarcane harvesting machine consists petrol engine and mechanisms are used in this machine to compare to manual harvesting by using this machine has capacity to cut sugarcane in faster rate and economical. This study done by the Adarsh J Jain, Srinivas Rarod, Vinay N Thotad and Kiran
d. In this research work was made to investigate the cutting energy and force required for the pigeon pea crops. The commercially available blade it has been attached to the lower end of the arm of pendulum type dynamic tester which cut the stalk at 900 to the stalk axis with knife velocity ranging between 2.28m/s to7.23 m/s the diameter of stem at42.6 % (wb) moisture content. The cutting force I directly proportional to cross sectional area “stem cutter was deign and developed by Atul R. Dange, S. K. Thakare, I Bhaskarao and Umarfarooq momin
In this project the idea is to make the mechanization of small scale crop cutting machine. The machine focuses to combination of cutting and collecting the crop for small scale farmers. Different parts of a machine will be mounted on strong chassis. The wheel will be attached to this chassis. The petrol engine is mounted on the chassis which provides the power to the wheels to move by chain drive and gear.
These mechanisms to provide the power the cutter byusing the belt drive to the roller cutter andcutting blade. The power transmitted engine to cutter shaft by using belt drive and pulley.
From the observation on rolling cutting blade and cutting blade, it is understood that all the problem with the material property and design. At first the study of the cutters has to carried out. After feasibility study of blades. We have to design the existing and the proposed design using the modeling softer ware KERO. After the modeling process the analysis of the existing and modified design with varying material property will be made.The material property for these steel tabulated below.
The static analysis and dynamic analysis on the rolling cutting blade is done. The force generated for the static analysis van misses tress is 1.2466e+007 Pa and the deformation of the blade is 2.7041e-004m. In this way rolling cutting blade is safe
The crop cutting machine to develop is just concept. It innovative three stage crop cutting machine ling the like as cutting the crop, Reaping, and winnowing. In this paper to design and analysis different cutting equipment like as roller crop cutting and cutting blade. The machine can be run on petrol engine .the machine operated by single labor. The machine will eliminate the labor problem in peak session for crop cutting period. This machine is helpful for the both the small as well as big farm. The static analysis on the cutting blade is done. The van misses stress 1.6609e+007 and deformation of the cutting blade is 9.0722e-005m. In the way cutting blade is safe.
Mr. R. A. Ghumadwar, Mr. V. H. Bankar
1. State of Indian Agriculture 2012-13, Indian Government Analysis.
2. “Design and Development of manually Operated Reaper” Mr. P. B. Chavan, Mr. D. K. Patil, Mr. D. S. Dhondg.
3. “Fabrication and performance test of an Ultraportable Crop cutter” Mr. G Maruthi Prasad Yadav, GMD Javeed Basha IJRSET Volume 2, Issue 2 Pages: 13-253.”Design and fabrication of small scale Sugarcane Harvesting Machine” Adarsh J Jain, Shashank Karne, Srinivas Ratod, Vinay N1 Toted and Karan ISSN 2278 – 0149 .ijmerr Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2013© 2013 IJMERR.
4.”Design of tractor front mounted Pigeon pea stem cutter” Atul R. Dange, S. K. Thakare, I. Bhaskarrao and Umarfarooq momin. Journal of Agricultural Technology 2012 Vol. 8(2): 417-433ISSSN 1686-9141