Published on Feb 28, 2025
The college management system based an the particular College related and information about the college. The college Management system in focused an the college history and Events programs, placement of the information .The programs module can be subdivided an the two part UG, PG. The UG means undergraduate related an the course can be divided in four .The each and ever course can be included an the Subject name of the courses . the PG course means PostGraduate it can be subdivided in three parts .The PG also have each course and subject name also .
The Placement means who are recruiters in our college recruiter in details available here .News and Events module focused an the college related information .The college admin post the information and view an the information in student .The college Management System have admin part also the post the latest information and reach the information in student.
1.Admin Login
1.1 Events update
2.Student Login
3.College Details
3.1 About college
3.2 Programs
3.3 Placements
3.4 News and Events
This is the first module in our system .it give authentication to the system. The Login Form module presents site visitors with a form with username and password fields. If the user enters a valid username/password combination they will be granted access to additional resources on your project.
This is First module in subdivision module an the my college management project.The Events Update module update the important notification and events show an the students.The all the admin and staff give the all information is store an the SQLite Database.
This is the Second module in our system .it give authentication to the system. The Login Form module presents site visitors with a form with username and password fields. If the user enters a valid username/password combination they will be granted access to additional resources on your project.It can be store the all the details in SQLite DataBase.
This is third module in our system. It can be all about an the college details. The college Details module can be followed by an the four sub modules an the system. The modues are About,Programs,Placements,News and Events.
The college management system in third module .this module have a one button also.The click the button show the college details.It can be included an the college details also.
The college management system in programs module can be implemented an the course related an the information.The programs module have the UG,PG course in two subdived an the buttons.
The U.G course are:
The P.G course are:
The Each module have an buttons .All the button have specific subject details in all four Semester .
The college management system have the programe module also.The programs module can be implemented an the Recruiter details and campus got selected an the student details .
The college management system in news and events module can be implemented the View the college events in student.It can be retrieve the details from SQLitedatabase.The sqlite database only access an the faculty,HOD.
1. Android
2. Java
3. XML
1. Android Dalvik Debug Monitor service
2. Android Emulator(Android Virtual Device)
Operating System: Android 2.1 or higher versions
For developing the application the following are the Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 256 MB
Space on Hard Disk: minimum 512MB
Device: Android version 2.1 and higher
Minimum space to execute: 1.0MB