Published on Feb 28, 2025
As for Indian road transport scenario is concerned, accidents are becoming a day to day cause an attempt has been made in this project to reduce such mishaps. In our project of “ELECTRICAL STEERING CONTROL MECHANISM” having the following operation occurs automatically in the vehicle. They are,
D.C motor turns the wheel left side when the steering rotates in the left side direction.
D.C motor turns the wheel right side when the steering rotates in the right side direction.
Car safety is the avoidance of automobile accidents or the minimization of harmful effects of accidents, in particular as pertaining to human life and health. Special safety features have been built into cars for years, some for the safety of car's occupants only, and some for the safety of others.
Nowadays almost all the automobile vehicle is being atomized in order to product the human being. The automobile vehicle is being atomized for the following reasons.
To achieve high safety
To reduce man power
To increase the efficiency of the vehicle
To reduce the work load
To reduce the vehicle accident
To reduce the fatigue of workers
To high responsibility
Less Maintenance cost
In our project lead-acid 12 Volt batteries is used. The lead-acid batteries output is given to the limit switch. There are two Limit switches are used in this project. These switch outputs are connected to the steering D.C motor in Forward and reverse rotation of operation.
The rack and pinion arrangement is used to turn the wheel in left and right direction. The Rack is connected to the wheel with the help of liver mechanism and the pinion is coupled to the permanent magnet D.C motor shaft. The Motor is drawn supply from the battery through limit switch arrangement.
When the steering is turn in the left direction, it pushes the left side limit switches, so that the D.C motor rotate in forward direction to move the wheel in left side. Similarly When the steering is turn in the right direction, it pushes the right side limit switches, so that the D.C motor rotate in reverse direction to move the wheel in right side
It is very much useful for Car Owners & Auto-garages. This Electrical steering system is used for smooth braking of the vehicles.
Thus it can be useful for the following types of vehicles;
To provide smooth and safety ride.
To provide mind free ride for the motorist.
To provide the nation with an accident free roads.
Low Cost Automation Project
Additional Cost is required.