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Engineering Projects

Foot Operated Steering System

Published on Feb 28, 2025


Foot Steer is an amazing innovation in vehicle control for people with very limited upper body strength and good lower limb control. To suit the requirements of disabled drivers with these special circumstances, this high technology solution allows for the vehicle to be steered using the left leg through a rotating footplate. There is no use of the arms in using primary driving controls.

Foot Steer is easy to use, effortlessly completing tight maneuvers such as three point turns with the aid of improved power steering. The steering wheel remains operational and turns with the footplate to allow for able-bodied use and to help maintain a ‘factory-finish’ look. The footplate also has a cover for when the vehicle is being driven by an able-bodied user.


Foot Steer is an amazing innovation in vehicle control for people with very limited upper body strength and good lower limb control. To suit the requirements of disabled drivers with these special circumstances, this high technology solution allows for the vehicle to be steered using the left leg through a rotating footplate. There is no use of the arms in using primary driving controls.

Foot Operated Steering


• There are handicapped people who have weak upper portion of body.

• Innovative mechanism to convert the existing automatic transmission vehicle useful for person with disabilities to use upper portion of body.


SEAT: All mechanism is to be attached with the seat of the vehicle.

FOOT STRAP: To hold foot in position.

STEERING MECHNISM: Rack and pinion arrangement for steering.


• This is very innovative idea for handicapped person with inactive upper limbs.

• The design is simple and easy to implement.

• Operation and handling is easy and can be learned with little practice.

• Transmission makes it easy for handicapped person to drive vehicle.


• Initial practice is required to become habitual of new steering system.

• More analysis and experiments are required to make design and working more reliable and safe.

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