Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


Internet is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services. The current version of IP (known as Version 4 or Ipv4) has proven to be robust. The recent exponential growth of the Internet and the impending exhaustion of the Ipv4 address space.

Ipv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol (IP) address standard intended to supplement, and eventually replace, the Ipv4 protocol most Internet services use today. To help ensure the continued rapid growth of the Internet as a platform for innovation, Ipv6 tackles some of Ipv4’s shortcomings. While the technical foundations of Ipv6 are well established, significant work remains to deploy and begin using Ipv6 capabilities.

The IPV4 addresses at IANA were already exhausted in the month of march 2011 and IPV4 addresses at RIR were exhausted in August 2011. Some countries like USA, Japan already supporting IPV6 networks. Department of Telecom , India already given roadmap for implementation of IPV6 in India.

Accordingly all major Service providers (having at least 10,000 internet customers or STM-1 bandwidth) will target to handle Ipv6 traffic and offer Ipv6 services by December-2011 . All central and State government ministries and departments, including its PSUs, shall start using Ipv6 services by March-2012

Different Network elements such as routers, switches, hubs etc.. has been interconnected together for commincation of data over the transmission media. The routers are connecting the WAN interefaces through the serial ports for data transmission and forwarding the packets using routing tables where as switches and hubs are connecting the LAN.

This Project mainly deals with the configuration of CISCO routers (CISCO 3640 ,CISCO 2811, JUNIPER M20) for forwarding the ipv6 packets via the WAN interefaces. And project also explains how networks are interconnected and functionality of routing , routing the packets to the destinations via the WAN interfaces.

As router is forwarding and switching the packets based on routing table, project clearly explains how the routing tables are prepared using OSPF routing technique. This project is mainly concentrates on implemtation of dynamic routing protocol OSPF in the IPV6 network. OSPF is performing the job of updating the routing tables using algoritms and metric caluculations.

Trainee will get the knowledge of how the dynamic routing protocol OSPF is working and the configuration of OSPF on the routers. Finally, in the reports trainees has to give different commands on the router on various routing techniques to get the require results for connection establishment of WAN interefaces and LAN networks

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