Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


The Purpose of this project is to conduct the online examinations for Each and every course present in the university. This project comprises of three applications:

• Question Bank maintenance Application

• Exam processing Application

• Report Generation Application

1. Question Bank maintenance:

This application deals with question bank maintenance. This application is supposed to contain the following modules.

• Entry Check: Enables the user to make subject selection and Checks the entry of faculty by using a login form before Entering/Updating questions.

• Question Entry: Enables the authorized faculty to enter new questions in Text/Image format into the database.

• Question Editor: This module deals with modifying existing questions and deleting the questions from the database by the authorized faculty.

• Maintaining the student Details and Course details in the database.

• Creating the tables necessary for Exam conducting application.

2. Exam Processing:

The main purpose of this application is to conduct the exam and to store the results of each and every candidate in a subject wise order. Also the application stores the questions and specified answers of each question for each student in the proof table for future verification. This application is supposed to contain the following Modules.

• Connecting to Database: In this Module, the application connects to the database with the help of user credentials such as Server Name, User id and password. After successful connection to the database it will display the student login form

• Student identification: in this step the candidate will enter his own credentials given by the authority which include roll number, user id and password. After successful login, the candidate will be displayed his question form. With all the required options.

• Submission of results: After answering all the questions, the candidate needs to click on "Submit" button available at the bottom of the question form. This will store the details of questions and answers of each candidate and compares with correct answers and soon it will display the marks report to the candidate.

3. Report Generation:

This application serves the authority to make a report of the examination results course wise (or) Semester wise (or) Roll number wise. The facility for the authority to store the results in an excel file is also included in the application. This application comprises of the following Modules.

• Entry Screen: This module will display all the subject codes of each and every semester/Course, for which the examination is conducted.

• Marks Report for Each Course: This module will generate the marks reports Subject wise / Semester wise/Course wise.

• Transferring report to excel file: This enables the authority to take an excel copy of the reports that are generated.

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