Published on Mar 01, 2025
This is a an e-commerce online shopping web application which helps you to do the major part of online shopping by using this site and can be managed by online, You (or the Customer) can do the all major transaction in a secured way. Here the customer will feel a virtual shopping by adding the selected product to his cart in addition to that, he can also do bulk addition into the cart before purchasing.
To ensure the authentication of the customer, He/She must have to register before proceeding. This is well secured with Session State management. It provides standard features of e-commerce like:
Register (for new users)
Login (Existing users)
View Products by product category
Select products and add them to cart.
Update the product quantities in the cart
View cart contents
Checkout the cart contents for order processing
Edit user profile such as address, contact information and password
Processor : Intel P-VI based system
Processor Speed : 250 MHz to 833MHz
RAM : 512MB to 1024 MB
Hard Disk : 2GB to 30GB
Key Board : 104 keys
Software : Visual Studio .Net 2005
Language : C# .Net
Database : SQL Serve-2005, Oracle-9i
Operating System : Windows 2000,XP,2003
Web Technologies : HTML, Java Script, ASP.NET