Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


UA Portal acts as online community management system for a Club, Association, and Corporation, Nonprofit or any other company or organization. It combines several online applications into one easy to use package. This portal involves event list, classifieds, news and discussions.

This application uses the data stored in the central database on the server. It can use MS-Access, MYSQL, etc to store the database. Database can be installed virtually on web server in the organization.

Portal uses four security levels. Security level 0, security level 1, security level 2, security level 3.By default all users fall under security level 0 with limited permissions. It allows users only to view portal areas. Administrator will assign the security levels and permissions.

Portal Settings:

Configurable Portal Settings

Approvals of User Submissions

Email to Club Members

Member Export to Excel

Fully customizable look and feel via HTML templates and Cascading

Style Sheets

Full compatibility with all web bro wsers.

Hard ware Specification :

Processor : Intel P-VI based system

Processor Speed : 250 MHz to 833MHz

RAM : 512MB to 1024 MB

Hard Disk : 2GB to 30GB

Key Board : 104 keys

Software Specification:

Software : Visual Studio .Net 2005

Language : C# .Net

Database : SQL Serve-2005, Oracle-9i

Operating System : Windows 2000,XP,2003

Web Technologies : HTML, Java Script, ASP.NET

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