Published on Feb 28, 2025
Document Manager provides a central repository for maintaining the documents. User who uses this application can have the track of all the documents that are stored using this application.
It provides single file uploads & Bulk files uploading, the uploaded files will be copied to a central location and the application will store the path in a table. While saving the document application asks some information like description, keywords, doc security levels etc.
In the existing system of the following project there are no extra settings such as keywords description, doc security etc..,
The proposed system which we are trying for should be having some extra advantageous features like keywords description, doc security etc..
P4 2.8GB processor and above.
Ram 512 MB and above.
HDD 20 GB Hard Disk and above
Microsoft .Net framework 2.0
Microsoft ASP.Net, HTML
AJAX Tool kit.
Microsoft C#.Net language
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and above.