Published on Mar 01, 2025
Diamond Security System project is developed for the users to give very high security to Diamond in Museum, Exhibitions etc.
It mainly consists of four IR transducers, microcontroller unit, LCD display, Siren etc.
Four sensors are connected at the four sides of the Diamond Glass Box. One Sensor is connected at the top. When any one enters his hand inside the box, the sensor senses and it sends signal to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller analyses the signal and recognize the particular person tries to steel the diamond.
Accordingly it operates the siren and sends messages to LCD display. The LCD display displays the status. The siren produces sound.
Since the owner can easily understand the happenings while sitting inside the room, this project gives very high security.
The microcontroller used is PIC 16F73 and the microcontroller program is written in assembly language