Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


The objective of this project is to improve the security performance in the voting machine as well as provide easy access to cast the vote by using finger print.

This project is very used to improve the security performance in the voting machine. In this project finger print is used as vote ID card. Now day's some person makes the duplicate vote ID card.

But in this project human finger print is used for caste the vote. So this project improves the security performance and avoid forgery vote because naturally one human finger print is different from other human.

This project is designed with

• Finger print sensor

• Microcontroller

• Arm processor circuit

• RS 232 converter

• PC

• Alarm driver circuit with alarm

• Key pad

Finger print sensor is the special type of sensor which is used to identify the human finger print. Finger print sensor is interfaced with microcontroller through the arm processor circuit. The arm processor circuit is used to activate the finger print sensor at time of finger is placed on the sensor. Then the related data is stored in the microcontroller.

Finger Print Based Voting Machine

In this project microcontroller is interfaced with PC through RS 232 converter. The RS232 is used to convert TTL logic to RS 232 logic. The microcontroller transfers the related information to PC. When human places the finger on the finger print sensor, the sensor sends the corresponding data to microcontroller. Here the microcontroller is the flash type reprogrammable microcontroller in which we have already programmed.

Microcontroller received the data from the finger print sensor. Then compared with stored data if the person finger is valid for that voter name mentioned in the voter ID card, the microcontroller displays the information as "Enter your vote" on the LCD display.

Then we can cast our vote to desired person through key pad. The key pad consists of set of key in which each key represents candidate name or symbol. If the person finger print is not valid for that particular voter name, the microcontroller will display the "Authentication Fail "on the LCD display and also activate the driver circuit for alarm. So the alarm makes the sound for indicating the Authentication Fail