Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


The biometric person authentication technique based on the pattern of the human iris is well suitable for application to any access control system requiring a high level of security. Today, biometric recognition is a common and reliable way to authenticate the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Following steps are involved in our project

Locating iris in the image,

Cartesian to polar reference transform,

Local features extraction, and


The biometric person authentication technique based on the pattern of the human iris is well uited for application to any access control system requiring a high level of security.

This paper examines a new iris recognition system that implements (i) gradient decomposed Hough transform / integro-differential operator's combination for iris localization and (ii) the "analytic image" concept (2D Hilbert transform) to extract pertinent information from iris texture.

All these image-processing algorithms have been validated on noised real iris images database. The proposed innovative technique is computationally effective as well as reliable in terms of recognition rates .

Iris Based Door Opening

In this project camera is used to capture the human iris image and send to PC. In PC the iris is processed using MAT LAB. Already the authenticated irises are stored in the data base.

Then the captured iris is compared with data base. If it iris is matched PC send the signal to LPT terminal. Then the LPT output is given to relay driver circuit. The relay deriver circuit is constructed with transistor which acts as switch to turn ON and turn OFF the relay.

The relay output is directly given to motor which is attached in the door. So in this project if iris is matched door will be opened otherwise door will not be opened


Naturally one human iris is not matched with other human. So this project provides more security then other security system.


This project is used in the highly secured places such as Bank, secured government places etc