Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


The objective of this project is to control the robot for applications remotely through RF section. This project is very useful for industrial applications entire robot operation is controlled remotely. So we can control the robot to long distance.


This project is designed with micro controller, RF transmitter & receiver, encoder, decoder, keypad, driver circuit along with motor and robot model. The keypad is the set of keys each key represents one operation such that forward, reverse, left, Right and so on.

The Transmitter section consists of keypad. Encoder and RF transmitter. When any one key is pressed in the keypad the corresponding signals is encoded in the encoder. Initially the encoder has the value of FF. the pulse from keypad is encoded and then given to RF section in which the signals are modulated with 433mhz carrier signal and transmitted through RF transmitter.

In receiver section consists of RF receiver decoder micro controller and drive circuits. The RF receiver received that signal remove the carrier frequency and given the encoded signal to decoder in which the incoming signals is decoded into original signal given to micro controller.

The micro controller may be Atmel or Pic both are flash type reprogrammable micro controller. In micro controller we have already programmed. So when you press the key for an example forward key the corresponding signal is transmitted and received by RF section and given to micro controlled.

So it activates the related driver circuit driver. Driver circuit consists of transistor just act as switch to control the motor. Now driver circuit operates the motor so the robot moves in the forward direction. Similarly other robot actions are controlled.