Published on Mar 01, 2025
This project is developed for the users to control the overflow of water in the Tank. The device will automatically switch off the pump when the highest level is reached and also switch on the motor when the lowest level is reached.
The heart of the circuit is the IC ULN 2003 and Microcontroller PIC 16F73. There are two sensors connected inside the tank. One is connected in the highest level and other in the lowest level.
When the water is filled in the tank, the sensor sends signal to the driver IC and it sends signal to the micro controller. The microcontroller controls the driver unit and corresponding relay to switch off the motor.
Also when the water level reaches the lowest level, the sensor sends signal to the driver IC and it sends signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls the driver unit and corresponding relay to switch on the motor.
Since it uses microcontroller for controlling operation, the operations will be very sensitive.
The microcontroller program is written in assembly language.