Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Published on Mar 01, 2025


Automatic Speed Breaking Systems is an innovative project for the purpose of preventing accidents happens in the restricted roadways using communication technologies. The major objective of our project is to provide a safety system for our society


Nowadays communication is flourishing everywhere, it just spread all over the world. We could able to communicate with every nook and corner of the world. The micro controllers are helping to develop the communication field in a very quick manner. RF (Radio Frequency) is playing a very important role in communication systems.

This Radio Frequency (RF) module consists of transmitters and receivers. One of the features of the RF modules is its easy interface facility with the Micro Controller. Hence, we in our project aim to innovate an idea to use the RF modules for the automatic speed control for vehicles in high speed restricted areas.

Our project consists of the following devices:

• RF transmission Module

• RF reception module.

The RF Transmission Module consists of

• RF transmitter,

• Power supply

• Encoder and

• Keypad

The RF Reception Module consists of

• RF receiver module,

• Micro controller (89c51),

• Power supply

• Decoder

• Relay and

• LCD unit

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