Published on Mar 01, 2025
This is an innovative project, which has been developed for the present crisis in financing of vehicles and to provide an additional security to the automobiles .
Nowadays communication is flourishing everywhere, it just spread all over the world. We could able to communicate with every nook and corner of the world using the present communication technology. The micro controllers are playing a vital role in the growth of communication in a very quick manner.
The Radio Frequency (RF) modules consist of transmitters and receivers. RF contributes a very big role in communication systems. The feature of the RF modules is easy interface facility with the Micro Controller. Hence, we in our project aim to innovate an idea to use the RF modules to immobilize the vehicle if the "DUE" of loan in the bank or any financing sector are not paid correctly.
Recently, most of the vehicles are bought only by rendering loan from the bank or from any financing sector. But, this loan "DUES" are not paid correctly to those sectors. This became a very huge crisis for the financing sectors.
We in our project planned to solve the problem by immobilizing the vehicles whose due is not paid, right from their office and also to secure the vehicle from them with the help of Micro Controller and RF modules.
Our project consists of the following devices: (a) RF transmission Module and (b) RF reception module. The RF Transmission Module consists of 1) RF transmitter, 2) Micro controller (89C51), 3) Address setting keypad. The RF Reception Module consists of 1) RF receiver, 2) Micro Controller, 3) Output Relay, 4) selecting key and 5) LCD display.
The RF transmission module is kept at the banks or at financing sectors, in order to transmit the RF signal. This module is also interfaced with the Micro controller. The RF transmitter transmits the RF signal through the antenna. The whole transmission unit is interfaced with the PC where the accounts are maintained.
Here the software program in the PC monitors the due period of the vehicles and it sends appropriate signal to the micro controller through the PC serial Port. The Micro Controller programmed to send the corresponding code in order to inform the user about their due status based on the signal received from the PC. These codes are transmitted to the vehicles through the Rf communication technique. The vehicles are identified with the codes assigned at the time of vehicle delivery