Published on Feb 28, 2025
This Android application allows user to keep track of current balance in different bank accounts held by the user and the transactions of those accounts. Account tracker explains about implementing a app for android mobiles which will help users to know about bank balances in different banks and there transactions information. In present trend usage of apps had became a new trend because of availability of web services on mobiles. By considering these improvements in mobile technology knowing information of money transactions through mobile in less time can be useful application for users. In this application initially users need to install app and update details like listing out different banks and adding new bank accounts.
Existing system is a general account transaction plan can be risky. In present trend usage of apps had became a new trend because of availability of web services on mobiles. By considering these improvements in mobile technology knowing information of money transactions through mobile in less time can be useful application for users.
In order to overcome existing system problems new system is developed using this system any system can be easily searched with better security features.
· Adding new bank account
· Updating an existing bank account
· Deleting a bank account
· List of transactions related to a bank accounts
· List of recent 10 transactions from all accounts
· Search Transactions by date and amount
· Showing all details of a single transaction
Add new bank account
Transaction list
Search transaction
Update or delete transaction account
This module provides new account related functionalities. User can create a new account.
Adding new bank account
List the transaction is a very simple and easy to use app for your mobile.
List of transactions related to a bank accounts
List of recent 10 transactions from all accounts
This module is about search transaction account of this portal. We have to search New or transaction account, then add the deposit and withdraw amount.
Search Transactions by date and amount
Deposit or withdraw account
These modules provide update or delete transaction account related functionalities. Showing all details of a single transaction
Updating an existing bank account
Deleting a bank account and transaction
CPU type : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Clock speed : 3.0 GHz
Ram size : 512 MB
Hard disk capacity : 40 GB
Monitor type : 15 Inch color monitor
Keyboard type : internet keyboard
Operating system : Windows XP.
Coding Language : Java 1.6
Tool Kit : Android 2.2
IDE : Eclipse