Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Child Care

Published on Feb 28, 2025


Baby care app is a complete guiding and remembrance tool for the parent. Baby Care App helps the parent to track everything in an easy way and helps the parents to get satisfaction. The application has three branches they are upto3, fourto6 and choosing your child age from the three branches there will be categories under each branch. In the first branch that is under upto3 there will be doctor details, vaccination details and a vaccination date note. In the doctor details category the user can mention the doctor details, fare, and the Childs height and weight with the date and can save the details which can be referred for the future use.

And the vaccination details there will be a chat of vaccination for the child based on their ages in which the parents can refer it. The vaccination details categories contain the note from which the user can mention the details about a specific medicine with all the details and can search the medicine details later by mentioning the medicine name. The second branch is that Fourto6 category in which has two categories they are the vaccination details and the school fees details. The vaccination details there will be a chat of vaccination for the child based on their ages in which the parents can refer it.

In the school details category there will be school fees for the month with PTA date, fees amount and fees due date. In which the parents can save the details and can search the details by mentioning the month. The third branch is that the Sevento10 in which there are two categories they are school fees details and the exam details .In the exam details the parents can mention the subject name with exam date with the type of exam and the number of chapters. And later can mention the subject name and search the details of subject. In the school details category there will be school fees for the month with Transport fees, Tuition fees, fees amount and fees due date. In which the parents can save the details and can search the details by mentioning the month.


In the existing system there will be guidance app for parents but there is not user friendly and lacking with various features which are highly demanding in today’s market such as dynamic home page and many more. In the existing system product categorization was not available. The existing system is not totally automated. Though the system is computerized to a particular extent, it has to do a lot of manual work.


In the proposed system the app is user friendly .The categories are based on the ages of the children and in each category the parents are given with various facilities like storing the school fees details,vaccination details ,vaccination date details and the doctor details in which the parents can mention the details and can view it for the future use. Thus make thewhole system as user friendly.


1. Registration and Login.

2. Up to 3years.

3. 4to6years.

4. 7to10years.

Registration and Login:

Here the parent has to register their name and the child name .Then there will be an option for choosing the child age like, Up to 3 years, 4to6years and 7to10years.Based on the option the parent chooses they will be directed to the specific page. In each age category there will a new user registration page and the login page. And every login page is validated that is by mentioning the registered name alone they can login into the module.

Up to 3 years:

By choosing the up to three years option in the login page parent will be directed to this module, where they will be given with two categories they are Vaccination Chart ,the Doctor Details and the Vaccination Dates.

 Vaccination

In the vaccination category the parent will be given with the chart of vaccination which comprises the vaccination name and the use of the vaccination and the time the vaccination has to be given and that will be based on the child age. And in the further details page there will be detailed explanation about the medicine and the reason for using the vaccination will be mentioned.

 Doctor Details

And the doctor details category the parents can mention the doctor’s prescription such as the name of the medicine he mentioned, and the height and weight of the child. This can be also viewed again by the parents. . And another facility is that by clicking on the entry parents can edit the information and by long press they can delete the entry also.

 Vaccination Dates

In Vaccination dates category the parents can save the vaccines that need to be used periodically month wise month. Then in future by entering the vaccine name they can check the vaccine name, vaccination date, Place and the details about the vaccine.

4 to 6years:

By choosing the four to six years option in the login page parent will be directed to this module, where they will be given with three categories they are Vaccination Chart and School Fess

 Vaccination

In the vaccination category the parent will be given with the chart of vaccination which comprises the vaccination name and the use of the vaccination and the time the vaccination has to be given and that will be based on the child age. And in the further details page there will be detailed explanation about the medicine and the reason for using the vaccination will be mentioned.

 School Fees

The second category is that the School fees in which the parents can add the fees details in which they has to mention the fees name and the fees due date for every month. From which the parents can view and refer the fees details whenever they want by mentioning the month name they have entered while saving the details.

7 to 10 years:

By choosing the six to ten years option in the login page parent will be directed to this module, where they will be given with three categories they are School Fess & School exam details.

 School Fees

The first category is that the School fees in which the parents can add the fees details in which they has to mention the fees name, transportation fees, tuition fees and the fees due date for every month. From which the parents can view and refer the fees details whenever they want by mentioning the month while saving the details.

 Exam Details

In Exam Details Module the child will be having different type of exam which includes Exam name, date, session, type of exam whether written or oral & number of chapter. And in reminder page the parents can view the subject name, the exam date type of exam, session and the number of chapters’ details whenever they want in the future. And another facility is that by clicking on the entry parents can edit the information and by long press they can delete the entry also.



 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.

 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.

 Monitor : 14’ Colour Monitor.

 Mouse : Optical Mouse.

 Ram : 512 Mb.


 Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate.

 Coding Language : Java.

 Front-End : Eclipse.

 Data Base : SQLite Manger.

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