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Doctor-Patient Interaction System Based on Android

Published on Feb 28, 2025


With the pervasiveness of smart phones and the advance of wireless body sensor networks (BSNs), mobile Healthcare (m-Healthcare), which extends the operation of Healthcare provider into a pervasive environment for better health monitoring, has attracted considerable interest recently. However, the flourish of m-Healthcare still faces many challenges including information security and privacy preservation.

In this paper, we propose a secure and privacy-preserving opportunistic computing framework, called SPOC, for m-Healthcare emergency. With SPOC, smart phone resources including computing power and energy can be opportunistically gathered to process the computing-intensive personal health information (PHI) during m-Healthcare emergency with minimal privacy disclosure. In specific, to leverage the PHI privacy disclosure and the high reliability of PHI process and transmission in m-Healthcare emergency, we introduce an efficient user-centric privacy access control in SPOC framework, which is based on an attribute-based access control and a new privacy-preserving scalar product computation (PPSPC) technique, and allows a medical user to decide who can participate in the opportunistic computing to assist in processing his overwhelming PHI data.

Detailed security analysis shows that the proposed SPOC framework can efficiently achieve user-centric privacy access control in m- Healthcare emergency. In addition, performance evaluations via extensive simulations demonstrate the SPOC’s effectiveness in term of providing high reliable PHI process and transmission while minimizing the privacy disclosure during m-Healthcare emergency.


Doctor-Patient Interaction


The study of opportunistic computing has gained the great interest from the research community recently. 

The existing systems introduce the opportunistic computing paradigm in wireless sensor network to solve the problem of storing and executing an application that exceeds the memory resources available on a single sensor node. Especially, their solution is based on the idea of partitioning the application code into a number of opportunistically cooperating modules, and each node contributes to the execution of the original application by running a subset of the application tasks and providing service to the neighboring nodes. 

Passarella et al. evaluate the performance of service execution in opportunistic computing. Specifically, they first abstract resources in pervasive computing as services that are opportunistically contributed by providers and invoked by seekers. Then, they present a complete analytical model to depict the service invocation process between seekers and providers, and derive the optimal number of replicas to be spawned on encountered nodes, in order to minimize the execution time and optimize the computational and bandwidth resources used.


 In this paper, we propose a new secure and privacy preserving opportunistic computing framework, called SPOC, to address this challenge. With the proposed SPOC framework, each medical user in emergency can achieve the user-centric privacy access control to allow only those qualified helpers to participate in the opportunistic computing to balance the high-reliability of PHI process and minimizing PHI privacy disclosure in m-Healthcare emergency. Specifically, the main contributions of this paper are threefold.

 First, we propose SPOC, a secure and privacy-preserving opportunistic computing framework for m-Healthcare emergency. With SPOC, the resources available on other opportunistically contacted medical users’ smart phones can be gathered together to deal with the computing intensive PHI process in emergency situation. Since the PHI will be disclosed during the process in opportunistic computing, to minimize the PHI privacy disclosure, SPOC introduces a user-centric two-phase privacy access control to only allow those medical users who have similar symptoms to participate in opportunistic computing.

 Second, to achieve user-centric privacy access control in opportunistic computing, we present an efficient attribute based access control and a novel non-homomorphic encryption based privacy-preserving scalar product computation (PPSPC) protocol, where the attributed-based access control can help a medical user in emergency to identify other medical users, and PPSPC protocol can further control only those medical users who have similar symptoms to participate in the opportunistic computing while without directly revealing users’ symptoms. Note that, although PPSPC protocols have been well studied in privacy-preserving data mining, yet most of them are relying on time-consuming homomorphic encryption technique. To the best of our knowledge, our novel non-homomorphic encryption based PPSPC protocol is the most efficient one in terms of computational and communication overheads.

 Third, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed SPOC framework in m- Healthcare emergency, we also develop a custom simulator built in Java. Extensive simulation results show that the proposed SPOC framework can help medical users to balance the high-reliability of PHI process and minimizing the PHI privacy disclosure in m-Healthcare emergency


 Medical User Module

 Register User

 Emergency Call

 Send Report

 View Report


 Trusted Authority Module


Medical User

In this module, we develop the medical user modules, where the options of medical user like entering their values can be done. In this module an application for Android smart phone is developed, to register the medical user, then send and view their heal reports.

User Registration

The user is prompt to register with trusted authority to send the report and view diagnosis, on the time of registration user need to give their personal information such as name, age, address, contact number, email id. And username, password to login and send the reports, User need to give the emergency contact number to call immediately in emergency situations.

Emergency Call

The user can call the emergency number by pressing a simple button, no need to open their dialer and entering the number or search the contacts and call the number, the user is prompt to give the emergency number to call at the time of registration, that number is called when the user in emergency situation by pressing a simple button.

Send Report

User periodically sends their health information (PHI) such as Pulse rate, Blood sugar, and Blood pressure and Body temperature to the Trusted Authority. The values are compared with threshold values and status is given as Normal or Emergency.

View Report

User can view the report sent to the Trusted Authority and the diagnosis received from the trusted authority, then they can do the need full based on the diagnosis.


User has the options to update their personal information, username, password and emergency number when they needed.

Trusted Authority

This module is developed as PHP project, Trusted Authority can login in the web application running in the server and review all medical user PHI reports, time of the report and status, and have the options to filter by the medical user name to view the particular medical user report, then sent the diagnosis to the medical user based on their PHI status to their Smartphone application, The user can receive the diagnosis as the email in the address given at the time of registration, and can receive the report in SMS in the number given.



 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.

 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.

 Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.

 Mouse : Logitech.

 Ram : 512 Mb.



· Operating System: Android

· Language : ANDROID SDK 2.3

· Back End : SQLite

· Server : PHP

· Documentat ion : Ms-Office

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