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Engineering Projects

Portable Learning Language System

Published on Feb 28, 2025


The rate of Literacy is an important indicator of a society's overall human development. The population of India, as in most other developing countries is concentrated in the rural areas. However, the rural areas of India are often at a disadvantage within the Indian Education System. An educational system called EduPad, to reduce the rural adult illiteracy using advancements in technology is proposed here. Such a system can be used to make up for lack of qualified personnel and adequate infrastructure in rural India.

The device proposed here is an interactive Tablet, which is capable of teaching multiple languages. We propose to develop interactive educational software which can run on the tablet. The software helps the user to learn to write as well as spell the alphabets. Initially the software teaches alphabets and then moves onto words and sentences.


· For language learning process users have book materials, video clips, Audio system. For using the book material user need some basic knowledge to read . In the case of video clips and Audio system user need proper platform and the existing system is also not it should not be an portable.


· User need proper hardware device for learning purposes.

· It should be difficult to use by literate people.


In proposed system we implement the learning process in mobile environment, it provide portable facilitate to the user. Android is an mobile operating system it helps the developer to simulate learning process to our Android based mobile. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs for developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language. Developers write programs in the Java language using Eclipse IDE. Dalvik virtual machine is an interpreter for eclipse IDE it optimized for use on low power consumption, rich libraries, non-fragmented application programming interfaces, low memory devices like phones.


 Android Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components.

 It provides better understanding about language to literate and unknown users.

 The developed programming has ability to implement in pc, tablets, and mobiles.


Portable Learning Language


 Learning Alphabet Module

 Alphabet Example Module

 Writing Alphabet Module


Learning Alphabet

In our system the Alphabets in English language are showing one by one to the user (illiterate user), user having controls to move to the next and previous character, the Character is shown to the user in big screen, so even elder user can also read the alphabets, and user have the option to change from upper case to lower case and vice versa, the correspondent character in the screen to the user. User can listen to the alphabet while they seeing the alphabet in the screen. It helps the user to learn character and pronunciation too.

Alphabet Example

Example for the alphabet is shown to the user with the Object name and its picture, to easily understandable by the user by seeing the object in the screen, and name displayed. And the user has the controls to go to next and previous as in the learning module. When the user presses the play button, the sentence is read out to the user. User can easily understand the alphabet and its usage by listening the example sentence produced as sound.

Writing Alphabet

In this module the step by step writing animation for each alphabet is shown to the user. User can try to write the alphabet in the screen itself, by following the animation shown in the screen. User has the option to navigate to the next and previous alphabet and can learn to write all English alphabets.



CPU type : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Clock speed : 3.0 GHz

Ram size : 512 MB

Hard disk capacity : 40 GB

Monitor type : 15 Inch color monitor

Keyboard type : internet keyboard



 Operating system : Windows XP.

 Coding Language : Java 1.7

 Tool Kit : Android 2.3

 IDE : Eclipse

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