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Safety Alarm by Using GPS in Android

Published on Feb 28, 2025


The proposed idea of this Application Safety Alarm by using GPS in Android helps to frequent travelers at various places, this application helps to find the particular location on which they are currently stand and also introduce of saving the current location data details. The location information is saved for every second and its stored in the database. This is because, if the person is lost or not found, then using the stored location information, the person can be easily identified. Here we also present options for emergency system. In current system, alarms are set for particular time.

Many times there are situations where the alarm/reminder is based on your current location and not based on time. The Mobile application installed on the mobile can give a alarm based on a particular location.


Location based service (LBS) is a mobile service that has the capability to provide real time information based on the user's current location. Geographic Information system (GIS) is the heart of location based services, System which has been developed will act as collection centre, storing and supplying the geographical data for being manipulated by the application. Data which stored at the system will be used within making the decision process. Through this application, data will be collected to trace every unit location and every unit also can update any additional information. Gis integrates hardware, software and data for capturing, managing, analyzing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. Gis allows us to view, understand, question, interpret and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, pattern and trends in the form of globes, maps, charts and reports


Location Data information is not saved


 Retrieves the user’s current geological coordinates.

 Allow user to enter new alarm for a particular location

 Along with alarm, user can optionally put the reminder text as well

 Once user is near the location, the alarm will ring and also if there is any reminder text it will be displayed to user.

 User can edit/delete/update/enable/disable the alarms.

 User can see the locations on Map to find out how far he is from the expected location.


An affordable technology keeps huge advantages

 Mobile user gets alert at a particular location when he travels around the city

 User would be able to find location or particular place from his current location

 User can directly call when he finds place and related address and contact number.


 Location Selection and Characterization

 Mathematical Characterization of Emergencies


 Emergency Scenarios


Set Alarm :

This module is responsible to get inputs from user about the alarm – name of location, expiry date of alarm, reminder description if any. This module is responsible of converting the location name into actual geo co-ordinates and set the alarm for that location.

Alarm Generator :

This module is responsible to ring the alarm if user is near to the location for which alarm is set.

Alarm Viewer :

This module is responsible to display the already set alarms. Allows user to edit/delete/update alarms.

Location Selection and Characterization

In this module, for the first time users, the users need to configure the application using various options. The users are given options to configure the application in their mobile, such that options such as emergency numbers with two options, with the name which should be displayed in the messages, the location information, time information, pin information etc. Pin information is given to make the application secure. Such that no one can change the configuration files, to help in emergency. There may be chances of someone to change the configuration files, so as to protect in from these attacks, secure pin methodology is adopted.

Emergency Scenarios

Users having received notification of an emergency are unlikely to maintain normal usage patterns. In particular, users are likely to attempt to contact their friends and/or family soon after learning about such conditions. Here we considered emergency scenarios like Accident, heart attack, lost location and struck to thief. Alert message will be sent immediately to the emergency numbers like friends or relatives number, to whom ever configured initially in first module.



CPU type : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

Clock speed : 3.0 GHz

Ram size : 512 MB

Hard disk capacity : 40 GB

Monitor type : 15 Inch color monitor

Keyboard type : internet keyboard



 Operating system : Windows XP.

 Coding Language : Java 1.6

 Tool Kit : Android 2.2

 IDE : Eclipse

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