Published on Feb 28, 2025
An attempt has been made in this project; the exhaust gas is used to rotate the turbine with blower arrangement. Exhaust gas is used to rotate the blower and this air is given to the ignition input supply at vehicle in high speed condition. Our fore most aim in selecting this project is to use efficiency turbo charging. It is also good with regard to economic considerations and engine efficiency. At vehicle low speed condition, one small compressor is used to supply the air to the carburetor. The control unit used to detect the vehicle speed and this is activating the compressor at low speed condition only.
The output of the engine exhaust gas is given to the input of the turbine blades, so that the pressurized air produced. This power, the alternate power must be much more convenient in availability and usage. The next important reason for the search of effective, unadulterated power are to save the surrounding environments including men, machine and material of both the existing and the next fourth generation from pollution, the cause for many harmful happenings and to reach the saturation point.
The most talented power against the natural resource is supposed to be the electric and solar energies that best suit the automobiles. The unadulterated zero emission electrical and solar power, is the only easily attainable alternate source. Hence we decided to incorporate the solar power in the field of automobile, the concept of many Multi-National Companies (MNC) and to get relieved from the incorrigible air pollution.
The progress of automobiles for transportation has been intimately associated with the progress of civilization. The automobile of today is the result of the accumulation of many years of pioneering research and development. At vehicle low speed condition, one small compressor is used to supply the air to the carburetor. The control unit used to detect the vehicle speed and this is activating the compressor at low speed condition only.
At high speed condition, the output of the engine exhaust gas is given to the input of the turbine blades, so that the pressurized air produced. This pressurized air is given to the carburetor intake air system. The efficiency of the engine is improved by using this type of turbo charging. This power, the alternate power must be much more convenient in availability and usage. The next important reason for the search of effective, unadulterated power are to save the surrounding environments including men, machine and material of both the existing and the next fourth generation from pollution, the cause for many harmful happenings and to reach the saturation point.
• More power compared to the same size naturally aspirated engine.
• Better thermal efficiency over naturally aspiratedengine and super charged engine, because the engine exhaust is being used to do the useful workwhich otherwise would have been wasted.
• High Thermal efficiency.
• Better Volumetric efficiency.
• High speed obtained.
• Better average obtained.
• Eco-friendly
• Additional cost is required
• Additional space is required to install this arrangement in vehicles
• Automobile application