Published on Feb 28, 2025
Modern hand held devices such as smart phones and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) have become increasingly powerful in recent years. Dramatic breakthroughs in processing power along with the number of extra features included in these devices have opened the doors to a wide range of commercial possibilities. In particular, most cell phones regularly include cameras, processors comparable to PCs from only a few years ago, and internet access.
The “CALL SKIPPER” is an Android Mobile Application project that includes four services namely Reject Incoming Calls Automatically, Send Message to Caller Automatically, Allow Calls from Important Numbers, and Sends Unique Message to Unique Numbers. The First service Reject Incoming Calls Automatically, rejects the incoming calls to the phone while user is busy. The Second service Send Message to Caller Automatically, after rejecting the incoming calls, sends message to the callers which specified by the user. The Third service Allow Calls from Important Numbers, allow incoming calls from numbers which are specified by the user in White List and rejects all other calls. The Fourth service Sends Unique Message to Unique Numbers, after rejecting incoming calls, sends unique message to unique numbers specified by the user in Special List.
Whether calling my phone, insurance or energy company, they each had a different and often worse way of trying to "help" me. I could sit there for minutes that seemed like hours, trying to get through their phone menus only to end up at the wrong place and having to redial and start again !
As it’s done manually, the existing system cannot able to schedule or cannot be tracked from the start till the end of all the calls.
No User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
The exisiting system makes the overall call management much complex
Our Proposed System has four Services:
The First service Reject Incoming Calls Automatically, rejects the incoming calls to the phone while user is busy.
The Second service Send Message to Caller Automatically, after rejecting the incoming calls, sends message to the callers which specified by the user.
The Third service Allow Calls from Important Numbers, allow incoming calls from numbers which are specified by the user in White List and rejects all other calls.
The Fourth service Sends Unique Message to Unique Numbers, after rejecting incoming calls, sends unique message to unique numbers specified by the user in Special List.
In this system each schedule can be tracked from the start till the end of all the calls.
User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
The system makes the overall call management much easier and flexible.
Readily uploads the latest updates and allows users to interact.
There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project is being developed.
It provides a high level of security with different levels of authentication.
System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
Mouse : Logitech.
Ram : 512 Mb.
Operating system : Windows XP.
Coding Language : Java 1.6
Tool Kit : Android 3.0
IDE : Eclipse