Published on Feb 28, 2025
Unit Converter is a quick, easy and powerful tool for converting various measurement units. Unit converter can convert different units of measure viz. Acceleration, Angle, Area, Current/Electric Current, Data or Bits & Bytes, Density, Energy, Force, Fuel consumption, Frequency, Length, Light-Illumination, Light-Luminance, Power, Pressure, Sound, Speed, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume, Weight/Mass and etc.,
As you might expect, the phone runs on the Android operating system and has specially designed applications and middleware. The applications are written in Java language and the system can also run applications that are written in other languages, like C language. But probably the biggest difference between Android phones and all the others is that Android has an advanced, complex operating system.
By comparison, most other mobile phones, even the iPhone, run simple, real-time applications. When it comes to the internet, Android phones use WebKit to run Google’s Chrome Lite web browser. Since Webkit is also used on the iPhone, Android phones are in direct competition with the iPhone when it comes to internet capabilities.However, Android phones have several distinct advantages over the competition due in a large part to their more complex operating system.
For instance, Android phone can run several applications simultaneously, which obviously makes it easier to multitask and improves the overall functionality of the phone. In fact, many Android phone users report that they are faster, more fluid, and easier to use that competing models. Another great thing about Android phones is that their platform is not tethered to a specific company, which means that any phone maker who wants to produce an Android phone can simply start making them. This will most likely lead to increased competition in the future and to lower mobile phone costs for consumers.
Unique & User Friendly User Interface
Supports over 24002 conversions across 22 categories
Converts as you type i.e. Instant conversion (no "Convert" button to press)
Stores and gives the previously calculated values in the Same Category
Quick list function to see a list of conversion for a unit type
Easy to use swap function for a given unit of measure
Calculator: For Direct Arithmetic Calculations
Memorizes your last input category used
Add Favorite categories on top
Round based on decimal places
Support for Tablets(portrait mode)
1. User Interface
2. Unit Conversion
3. Social Network Sharing
The User Interface module is mainly depends on the user satisfaction and Interactions. The user interface is designed based on the user friendly UI designs. This Application is easy to use users. And it’s designed to support Android versions 2.1 to 4.2.
The Unit conversion module is mainly contains the Unit Conversion operations. Unit Converter is a quick, easy and powerful tool for converting 75+ various categories and around 45,000 conversions. List of Converters included:
1. General
2. Engineering
3. Heat
4. Fluids
5. Light
6. Electricity
7. Radiology
8. Magnetism
9. Miscellaneous
10. Calculator
This module is mainly contains social network sharing options like Face book, email and SMS. The sharing is done by using the Broadcasting concepts in android.
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers - Eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios) or greater
Eclipse JDT plug-in (included in most Eclipse IDE packages)
JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
Android Development Tools plug-in (recommended)
Windows XP (32-bit)
Vista (32- or 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit)
Hard disk - 40 GB
Processor - Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
Ram - 1 GB