Project Topics

Engineering Projects

Parking Management

Published on Feb 28, 2025


Variety of occasions turn up when we visit various public places like Shopping malls, 5-star and 7-star hotels, multiplex cinema halls, etc. The difficulty we encounter at these places is finding the availability of parking space. Most of the times we need to traverse through multiple parking slots to find a free space for parking. The problem becomes more tedious if the parking are multi- stored. Thus the problem is time-consuming.

This situation calls for the need for an automated parking system that not only regulates parking in a given area but also keeps the manual intervention to a minimum. Our proposed system presents an Autonomous car parking that regulates the number of cars that can be parked in a given space at any given time based on the parking space availability. When a car arrives at the entrance, it will be stopped at the main gate and provide a parking slip. This parking slip provide the full details about the vehicle parking. Like parking slot number,vehicle number, vehicle type,date, Intime, amount for parking etc..This will help the driver for easy parking to the given available space.

Existing System:

Existing parking system consist of many disadvantages. The system only provide the Entrance to the parking area not provide the parking slot

The car owner search the parking slot after entering to the parking area. It will take time to find the slot

The car owner have no idea about the parking area is fill or not. His responsibility to find the parking slot and park his vehicle safely

The owner need to remained the parking slot for his vehicle parked.

Difficult to find his vehicle from a large area of parking after complete his shopping

Safety for the vehicle is less

Proposed System

The admin side from the parking entrance provide the parking slip to the vehicles owner it provide the full details like Vehicle type, Vehicle number , Date, In Time, Parking Slot..etc

Provide Different Parking areas for different Vehicle type, Four wheelers need more area for parking than two wheelers. It will helps to park more vehicles

The admin side know about the parking status. If the parking area is fill admin block the entrance.

Admin has to check the available slot in any time

No need to remained the parking slot. It is to be printed in the parking slip

Its easy to find the vehicle from a large area of parking using the parking slip

Parking will take less time and safety is high

Validate the Admin before entering to the application

Admin Can take the detailed report of parked vehicle

Only Two field is filled to the Admin side remaining 5 field generate automatically. It will easy to the admin for printing parking slip fast.

Its very easy for carrying


1. Parking manager Module

- Admin Login – It will provide an authorized admin to access the application

- All the details are added from the admin module, like vehicle details, date, time etc

- Available location are checked in and the location printed in to the parking slip

- Collision of vehicle in same location is not happened

2. Vehicle category

- It will provide different parking location for different type of vehicle

- Four wheelers need more area for parking than two wheelers. So admin provide different parking location for different type of vehicle It will helps to park more vehicles
- Its easy to find the vehicle from a large area of parking

3. Availability checking

- Admin can check the available parking slot using availability checking button

- The admin side know about the parking status. If the parking area is fill admin block the entrance

- If a vehicle is out from the parking area. The admin un check the slot. So the slot is available for next vehicle

- Admin can check the parked vehicles details at any time using the help of filled slots

- All the vehicle details will save to the database so we can access the data at any time

4. Park slip print

- The admin provide a parking slip to the car owners. It will include all details like vehicle type, vehicles number, date, time, parking slot, amount for parking etc..

- The slip will help the vehicle owner for easy parking of the vehicle

- No need to remained the parking slot. It is to be printed in the parking slip

5. Un check the Slot

-The parking slip will be collected in the exit location. Then admin uncheck the location and make the location free for next vehicle

6. Report

- When a parking slip is generated for a vehicle. All the data in to the slip is stored in to the database. In the report page have we collect all vehicles numbers. Using the vehicles number we access each data

7. Parked Vehicle detail

- Using this Application we can check the details of parked vehicle. When we click on to the status button it will display all the selected slots. Using the selected slot number we can check the vehicle details


We are making a “Parking Management” application in android. Which is very usefull in the modern world when we visit various public places like Shopping malls, 5-star and 7-star hotels, multiplex cinema halls, etc. In this project we include Provide Different Parking areas for different Vehicle type, Four wheelers need more area for parking than two wheelers. It will helps to park more vehicles, The admin side know about the parking status. If the parking area is fill admin block the entrance, Admin has to check the available slot in any timeNo need to remained the parking slot. It is to be printed in the parking slipIts easy to find the vehicle from a large area of parking using the parking slip

Data Flow Diagram:

Parking Management


Functional Requirements

 Graphical User interface with the User.

Software Requirements

For developing the application the following are the Software Requirements:

1. Android Development Tools

2. Eclipse IDE 3.4 or Higher(Resent Version)

3. Android SDK and Eclipse Plug-ins for Android ADT (Resent versions).

Operating Systems supported

1. Windows 7

2. Windows XP

3. Windows 8

Technologies and Languages used to Develop

1. Android

2. Java

3. XML

Debugger and Emulator

1. Android Dalvik Debug Monitor service

2. Android Emulator(Android Virtual Device)

For running the application the following are the Software Requirements:

 Operating System: Android 2.1 or higher versions

Hardware Requirements

For developing the application the following are the Hardware Requirements:

 Processor: Pentium IV or higher

 RAM: 256 MB

 Space on Hard Disk: minimum 512MB

For running the application:

 Device: Android version 2.1 and higher

 Minimum space to execute: 1.0MB

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