Published on Feb 28, 2025
While OSNs today provide some form of privacy controls to protect a user’s shared content from other users, these controls are not sufficiently expressive to provide fine grained protection. In this article, we introduce Twitsper, to support fine-grained control over who sees a user’s messages. Twitsper provides privacy controls to the users of Twitter today without relying on Twitter to make changes. This is because it is a wrapper around Twitter that enables private group communication while preserving Twitter’s commercial interests. It preserves privacy both from the Twitsper server as well as from undesired Twitsper users.
Currently, Twitter provides its users only two kinds of privacy controls—the ability to share content with all their followers (using tweets) or with exactly one follower (using direct messages)
Controls aren’t sufficiently expressive to provide fine-grained protection.
No private group communication.
In this article, we introduce Twitsper, a wrapper over Twitter that provides privacy controls to the users of Twitter today without relying on Twitter to make changes. Currently, Twitter provides its users only two kinds of privacy controls—the ability to share content with all their followers (using tweets) or with exactly one follower (using Direct Messages).Twitsper enables users to share content with any subset of their followers, without requiring the followers to migrate to a new application or OSN.
Sharing private information with some followers, Twitsper can also be used to segment information and send only relevant information to subsets of followers.
While Twitsper does not hide content from Twitter itself, some users may desire to do so. This raises a different set of challenges and may impact Twitter’s revenue model.
We created Twitsper to enable users to share content with any subset of their followers without requiring the followers to migrate to a new application or online social network (OSN).
· User Login with Twitter
· Private Message Send
· Private Message Read
· Private Message Reply
Twister is using twitter authentication to get the user login information and send direct messages to other users. Before send and receive through Twitsper all user must signing into Twitter in their mobile web browser and give Twitsper application the access to read their friends list then send and receive direct message. We need to create another application in Twitter Developer console that application will be getting information from Twitter user accounts. Through that application we can send and receive direct messages to other twitter users. It is important to get the personal information and direct messages of a user.
In this module whenever user wants to send private messages to their friends in a particular group the information are stored in the Twitsper server for later use. In Twitsper Server the message and user list is stored in encrypted format. Because user would not trust the third party server, so whenever user send whispers to their list, the list id and messages to each user in the list is encrypted and stored in the Twitsper server. The message is encrypted with the user id, message id. And the list is encrypted with the message send to each user.
After successful login into Twitsper application user will see the list of whispers he received from his friends. The whispers are encrypted and stored in the Twitsper server, on login into Twitsper android client will read all the direct messages received from his friends in twitter then check the messages with the Twitsper server for verify that the message is send from Twitsper client. If the message is available in the server then it will be loaded into the whisper list. To retrieve the encrypted whispers in Twitsper server user need to decrypt the messages in the server through the message id and user id.
If the user wants to reply to a whisper he can choose the whisper in the list then type the text he wants to reply to that whisper and press send button. While sending the message the entire user in the list which the whisper was send will be fetched. If the reply is send to the entire user in the list, it will affect the user privacy, so the reply whisper is only to the members in the list who already linked with him. Again the whisper and list id is encrypted and stored in the Twitsper server to fetch in other user Twitsper android client application.
System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
Mouse : Logitech.
Ram : 512 Mb.
Operating system : Windows XP.
Coding Language : Java 1.7
Tool Kit : Android 2.3
IDE : Eclipse