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iFlat: Flat Rating Model Using Android

Published on Feb 28, 2025


Peoples are working for getting money, but most of them investing some money and earning more money without doing any hard work. Many people investing money in the Stock market, gold properties, when they think about investing in property, their first choice is Flats or/and apartments. From above mentioned instruments for investing like gold and stock market, we get the profit when selling it, but in flats we can rend the flat, so we can earn the money for every month and also we own that flat.

Whenever we can sell it, nowadays many people buying and selling flats and apartments, but they don’t clearly tell the exact facilities available in that flat. So we created an application called iFlat. In this app Administrator enter the Flats available in the particular city or region. The Flat details are Name, address, city, and facilities available in that flat. Admin can manage the flat details like adding new flats, editing already added flats and delete the flats which are sold to the user. User registers with this app and can search through the flats available in a particular city and can view the entire details of particular flat.

Then they can consult with their friends and family about the facilities available in the flat. In this app user can rate the flats, and also view rating already given to that particular flat from other user. So this application is very useful for the user to view the details and facilities of the flats without going outside or contact any intermediate person called broker. Here we can minimize the cost of expenditure and the commission for the broker. In this app we can directly getting the other user feedback for the flats, so there is no cheating of any broker or seller.


If anybody want to rent a product from a particular city from their own home, how it is possible? If one person is going to another city, but if he want products for rent before he reach his destination, then how it possible? So answer to these questions is our app. There are many flat systems which are available online. But, they are not providing all details at one place. Also many of them restricted to only one city. That means flat system in online deals only with flat details. Also many of them are not providing effective communication between customer and the vendor. Also present flat systems restricted to only one vendor means products are supplied only from one flat show room.


 They limited to only one product and limited cities.

 No effective communication between user and the vendor.

 Products limited to only one flat room.


The proposed system is a mobile based system which can be accessed by customer from anywhere around the world. The system can offer number of flats from vendor in different locations. A vendor directly registers into this system using this system user interface without any manual approach. He can pay his amount for advertising his own flat through submitting the details. The proposed system can accept any type of flat, this system interface support to the vendors to upload their product image into the system. A customer directly interacts with this flat image and gets necessary information regarding the flat. The proposed system accepts ranking from the customers to reserve any flat for his own purpose. Administration play vital role here. Administrator can able to communicate the reservation information of any flat to that particular vendor using this system.


 In this system each schedule can be tracked from the start till the end of the Project cycle.

 User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.

 The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.

 Readily uploads the latest updates and allows users to interact.

 There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project is being developed.

 It provides a high level of security with different levels of authentication.



 Flat Search

 Flat Rating



In the administration module, the admin of the app can manage the flat details in this app. Admin only can add new flats, edit the facilities available in a flat, and delete the flat which are already sold. Admin collect the information from the multiple resources such as viewing advertisement, news paper and by visiting the flat personally and check the facilities available in the flat and information like name and address of the flat. Then the Admin enter the details in the application for the user to search and rate.

Flat Search

Admin enters the details of flat available for sale. A new user must register with this app for search the flats available and rate the flats. After registering user will get the username and password, using this user can login into this system and search the flats available for sale in a particular city or region. User also searches the flats by entering full or part of the address like street name, or city. The system will search the entire database for the flats in that particular region, and produces the result to the user.

Flat Rating

User can search the flats available for sale in a particular city or region, and also user has the power to rate the flat by their wish according to their expectation of price and facilities available in the flat. It will be useful for other user to decide to buy or ignore the particular flat, Its very useful for other users who are searching flats to buy. The ranking is based on the user rating for the particular flats. When the user search for the flats more than one flat is returned as a search results, the result is sorted and ranked by the average rating given to each flat by the user. And based on the average rating the flats are sorted and returned to the user. The top most is the most viewed and ranked flat. So user can select and see the flats from top to bottom.



 System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 40 GB.

 Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.

 Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.

 Mouse : Logitech.

 Ram : 512 Mb.



 Operating system : Windows XP.

 Coding Language : Java 1.7

 Tool Kit : Android 2.3

 IDE : Eclipse

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